One question that I have received several times since I started to blog is; what is a blog?

Don’t worry! You’re not alone!


To be honest, two years ago, even I did not know what that was.

Let’s say first that the word “blog” is the abbreviation for “weblog”, which is a term used to describe a website (web) that keep an ongoing chronic of information. (log).

A blog contains commentaries and links to other websites in a diary-type format, usually presenting the articles in reverse chronological order. That means the most recent entry on top of the list.

There are blogs for every taste and they range from personal to political. Some blogs focus on one specific subject, such as a particular sport, a precise dog breed, plants, health, et cetera. And some of them focus on a whole range of subjects.

In this case, my blog covers information about Miami for the time being and eventually will bring my Travel experience and tips to the table, along with my perspective on my Life Events.

Probably one of the most exciting features is the fact that readers can interact with the author or blogger (that’s me in this case), or with other readers by leaving their comments, additional information or questions.

This type of participation is encouraged since it’s what keeps the blog interesting and alive.


Don’t know how to share this?

The second question that comes up very often is, how can I share a specific article or the whole blog with a friend?

Sharing the whole website or a specific article is very simple. At the end of each article or the Home page, you will see the social media icons. Click on the one of your choice and you will be automatically sharing in the social media of your preference; be it Facebook, LinkedIn, Tweet, Whatsapp, Pinterest or Reddit.

If you want to share on Instagram, that’s a whole different story! Instagram only allows its member to share information in this way:

1-    From your Instagram account search for ed_alemany or click here to access my account: in Instagram

2-    Click on Follow and now, when I post something you can now share that with your friends.


Additional Information

You don’t know how to leave a comment? –Very easy!

Right at the end of each article, you will see a small form titled Submit a Comment with a place for your Comment and two more places you need to fill up to submit your comment, those are your Name* and Email* address. The Website space is only if you own a website that you would like me to take a look at.

Then there are two items you need to checkmark only if you want to receive a notice via email and if you want to be notified of new posts.

The only fields required to complete for your comments to go through are the ones marked with the asterisk (*), like Name* and Email*. Once completed, just click on the Submit Comment button below.


Want to continue reading other articles (or posts)?

You can do so by looking for the Recent Posts title on your right-hand side. You might have to scroll up a bit. Here you will find the most recent articles, (which are also called Posts or Entries) and they will be listed with the most current one on top. Since this is a bilingual blog, you might see a few titles in Spanish as well as in English, but do not worry about missing anything. For every post, there’s one in either language.


What about Categories?

Finally, we have Categories. Here are the posts grouped by subject. So, if you click on Things to Do in Miami, for instance, you will access all the articles that have to do with that theme.


Did this article help you in some way to understand what a blog is and how it works?

Do you have another question of something I did not cover or needs clarification?

If you do, I’d love to hear from you. Don’t be shy and leave me a comment below.

Thanks for reading and sharing my blog.