Hi, I’m Ed Alemany!

I’m the kind of guy that loves to read and research a lot about most everything; cultures, music, languages, human behaviors, religions, food, wine, health, nature, animals, and I am especially crazy about dogs.

I love to travel; by air, water or ground. And thanks to my travel professional background, which has taken me to several destinations, I will be able to share with you my travel experiences. 

I’m a good and empathic listener. Not religious but spiritual mindful, trying my best to follow Jesus’ steps.

Captivated by Miami in my twenties, and still under its charm after all these years.

I’m ready to share all I know about Miami, Travel and Life Events.

Thank you for visiting my blog

I really hope you find something here that will be of use to you.

I’m very excited that I finally started my blog and in this way, I will be able to share my ideas, experiences, passions, and part of my life and hopefully, get to you with some useful information.

So, what will you find in my blog?

It was very difficult for me to decide what my blog was going to be about since I wanted to write and share about the many things that I like, I love and I am passionate about.

I also intend to help and provide service through my blog with my ideas, my recommendations, and my opinions, but you must remember that they are just that and should be taken that way. If what you find here helps you in some way, fantastic! If you like it and you agree with me, great! But if you don’t, it’s fine too. There is always something to learn.

We can both learn from each other. Just read and get your own conclusions.

Then again, what will you find in my blog?

Well, this is going to be a work in progress, in constant development.

At the moment, you will discover that my writings have to do with Miami, but as the blog continues to grow, you will also find my travel experiences and life events.

If you don’t know what a blog is and how you can benefit from it, please click HERE.

I have been living in Miami since 1986, and year after year I have noticed the city has so many wonderful things to enjoy and take advantage of and yet there are many people, even residents, who do not know or never hear about these things. 

If you plan to visit Miami, either for the first or the umpteenth time, or if you live in the Magic City, as we affectionately call it, I just want to show you that there is much more than the beautiful beaches to enjoy.

By the way, don’t miss my story about How I Ended Up in Miami.

Save my site

Then, go ahead, save my site with your favorites ones so you can come back and read at any time you want.

Get your Free List of 101 Things to Do in Miami by leaving your name and email address HERE. So I can let you know every time I post something new.

Follow me also on Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

I hope you enjoy the blog and I would love to read your comments, whether you like it or not. So; Go Ahead, as long as you do it with respect, leave me your comments.
